12th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems
Sporthotel Panorama, Str. Sciuz, 1, 39033 Corvara In Badia BZ - Italy
July 28 - August 2, 2019
To download the ISVCS12 Proceedings Click Here
Papers listed in alphabetical order of authors:
Dynamic Buckling of Thin Walled Structures Revisited
H. Abramovich
Longitudinal Vibration of a Conical Bar using Rayleigh-Love Theory
J.R. Banerjee, A. Ananthapuvirajah, S.O. Papkov
Explicit dynamic solutions of damaged beams
F. Cannizzaro, N. Impollonia, S. Caddemi, I. Calió
Preliminary Assessments on the Development of Refined Shell Models for Free Vibrations via Machine Learning
E. Carrera, M. Petrolo
Tunable 1D linear acoustic diodes: A design based on soft functionally graded phononic crystals
Y. Chen, B. Wu, Y. Su, W.Q. Chen
Detection of Structural Damage Based on Perturbed Local Equilibrium
L. Cheng
Solutions of Vibration Problems with Boundary Excitation by the Fourier Method and their Application to Optimal Boundary Control
P. Cupiał
Modelling of Planar Dynamics of Inflated Membrane Structures
A. DasGupta
Application of Machine Learning Methods to Structural Similitudes
A. Casaburo, G. Petrone, F. Franco, S. De Rosa
Structural and acoustic response of sandwich plates by means of sublaminate models with variable kinematics
L. Dozio, R. Vescovini, M. D'Ottavio
New Analytical Solutions for Vibrations of Shallow Shells
M. Eisenberger, L.A. Godoy
Total Lagrangian Large Amplitude Beam Vibrations and the Limits of Poisson and von Karman
P.R. Heyliger
Vibration optimization of variable-stiffness composites fabricated by tailored fiber placement machine and electrodeposition molding
S. Honda, K. Katagiri, K. Sasaki
Separating the effect of crack severity and location in a skeletal structure with a single crack
S. Ilanko, Y. Mochida, J. De Los Rios, D. Kennedy
From semi-analytical to Finite Element integrated lowdimensional models for nonlinear dynamic analysis of composite cylindrical shells
E. Jansen, T. Rahman
Natural Frequency Degradations in Cracked Plates
Y. Luo, D. Kennedy, C.A. Featherston
Wave propagation analysis within multilayer media by using the dynamic stiffness method
X. Liu
Sensitivity Analysis of Eigenproblems and Application to Wave Propagation in Timber
B. Mace, A. Cicirello, M.J. Kingan, Y. Yang
Analysis on Nonlinear Forced Vibrations of a Thin Shellpanel Including Clamped Edges
S. Maruyama, K. Nagai, D. Kumagai, T. Okawara
Vibration analysis of multi-cracked plates with a roving body using the Rayleigh-Ritz Method
Y. Mochida, S. Ilanko
Some Topics on In-plane Vibration of Laminated Rectangular Plates: Analysis, Optimization and Combination
Y. Narita, N. Innami
Vibration around non-trivial equilibrium of highly flexible composite thin-walled structures and plates
A. Pagani, E. Carrera
Complex Dynamics of Shells under Different Thermal Conditions
F. Pellicano, A. Zippo, G. Iarriccio, M. Barbieri
On the analysis of 1D impacting rods of arbitrary cross section and with arbitrary material parameters
J. Burgert, W. Seemann
On the Stability of Parametrically Excited Continuous Gyroscopic Systems
A. De Felice, S. Sorrentino
Free Vibrations of Curved Periodic Beams and Combinations
S. Ding, J. Wu, C. Bian, Y. Zhang, L. Xie, J. Wang
Pinned-pinned beam with and without a distributed foundation: A simple exact relationship between their eigenvalues
W.P. Howson, A. Watson
Accurate Free Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Mindlin Plates with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions by the Superposition Method
S. Yu, X. Yin