14th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems

Grundlsee, Salzkammergut, Austria
27th July to 2nd August 2025


General Chairman
F. Pellicano
Modena, Italy

Founding Chairman
A.W. Leissa
Fort Collins, CO, USA

Honorary Chairman
E. Carrera
Torino, Italy

Local Arrangements Chairman
Y. Vetyukov
Vienna, Austria
J. Scheidl
Vienna, Austria

Publicity Chairman
S. Honda
Sapporo, Japan

Editorial Chairman
P. Cupial
Kraków, Poland

Advisory Committee:

M. Ewing
Lawrence, KS, USA

P. Hagedorn
Darmstadt, Germany

S. Ilanko
Waikato, New Zealand

D. Kennedy
Cardiff, Wales, UK

B. Mace
Auckland, New Zealand

A. Metrikine
Delft, Netherlands

Y. Narita
Sapporo, Japan

Accommodations for ISVCS14 (2025)

All attendees are encouraged to stay at the Mondi Resort am Grundlsee. A number of standard hotel rooms and several larger appartments for up to four adults are currently reserved for the Symposium. Room rates are specified in an online form, which is used for registration and booking purposes. Please use the provided online form (coming soon) and make reservations as soon as possible.

Please note that the Symposium starts with a Sunday evening reception and ends with the banquet on Friday night. Since the order of paper presentation is unknown until Sunday night, attendees should make reservations for a Sunday check in and a Saturday departure (6 nights).

Web site created by:
late. J. R. Hutchinson

and succeeded by:
S. Honda
Last Revised:
4th July 2025