Past Symposia
The Fourth International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems
Keswick Lake District, England
July 23-27, 2003

Attendees at the ISVCS 4
To download the proceedings Click Here
    Papers in alphabetical order of Author's last name:
    (Persons desiring information on a topic listed below are invited to contact the author directly.)
- Analysis and Measurement of Flex Circuit Vibration in Hard Disk Drives
M. Brake and J. Wickert, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Vibrations of Layered Plates and Shells via Reissner's Mixed Variational Theorem
E. Carrera, Politechnico di Torino, ITALY
- Some Exact Solutions and Energy Considerations for Vibrating Piezoelectric Continua
P. Cupial, Cracow University of Technology, POLAND
- Theoretical Prediction of Limit Cycle Oscillations for Aircraft in Transonic Flow
E. H. Dowell, Duke University, USA
- On the Free In-Plane Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Plates by the Method of Superposition
D. J. Gorman, University of Ottawa, CANADA
- Timoshenko Beams of Rectangular Cross-Section
J. R. Hutchinson, University of California, Davis USA
- Vibration in Wide Woodcutting Bandsaws
S. G. Hutton, University of British Columbia, CANADA
- Good Old Dynamic Stability Functions for Beams Carrying Rigid Bodies
S. Ilanko, University of Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND
- Simultaneous Optimal Design of Stiffness and Damping of a Flexible Structure
Reinforced by FRP Sheets
Y. Kobayashi, G. Yamada, and M. Nakanishi, Hokkaido University, JAPAN
- Coupled Belt-Pulley Vibration in Serpentine Drives with Belt Bending Stiffness
L. Kong and R. G. Parker, The Ohio State University, USA
- Three-Dimensional Vibration Analysis of Bodies of Revolution by the Ritz Method
A. W. Leissa, Colorado State University, USA
- Vibration of Nonlinearly Pretwisted Helicoidal Structures
C. W. Lim and A. Y. T Leung, City University Hong Kong, HONG KONG
- Chaotic Oscillations of a Double-Curved Shallow-Shell under Periodic Excitation
K. Nagai, T. Yamaguchi, S. Maruyama, D. Yanagisawa, and Y. Nakagawa, Gunma University, JAPAN
- Layerwise Optimization (LO) Approach for the Maximum Frequency of Laminaled Rectangular Plates
Y. Narita, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- An Analytical-Numerical Combined Method for Car Disc Vibration and Squeal
H. Ouyang and J. E. Mottershead, University of Liverpool, UK
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability of Axially Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells
F. Pellicano, Università di Parma, ITALY and M. Amabili, Università di Parma, ITALY
- Theoretical and Experimental Modal Analysis of the Modes of Double Eigenfrequencies in Ultrasonic Motors by a Harmonic Excitation of the Piezoceramic Elements
W. Seemann, University of Karlsruhe, GERMANY
- The Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Elliptic Plates by a Meshless Method
A. V. Singh, University of Western Ontario, CANADA
- Dynamics of a Flexible Cable Loop
L. N. Virgin, Duke University, USA and R. H. Plaut, Virginia Politechnic Institute and State University, USA
- Nonlinear Longitudinal Vibrations of Transversely Polarized Piezoceramics
U. von Wagner and S. K. Parashar, Technische Universität Darmstadt, GERMANY
- Friction-Induced Instabilities in a Disk Brake Model Including Heat Effects
J. Wauer and J. Heilig, Universität Karlsruhe, GERMANY
- Analogous Behaviour of Transcendental and Linear Eigensolutions for Free Vibration of Structures
F. W. Williams, City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG and D. Kennedy, Cardiff University, UK
- Exact Multi-Level Transcendental Eigenvalue Solution Method by Analogy with the Natural Frequencies of Structures
F. W. Williams, City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, W. P. Howson, and A. Watson, Cardiff University, UK
- On the Free Vibration of Fully-Free and Pinned Spherical Shells
P. Young, University of Exeter, UK
- An Exact Dynamic Stiffness Method for the Free Vibration Problem of Non-Uniform Beams
S. Yuan, C. Xiao, K. Ye, Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA, and F. W. Williams, City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG