14th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems

Grundlsee, Salzkammergut, Austria
27th July to 2nd August 2025


General Chairman
F. Pellicano
Modena, Italy

Founding Chairman
A.W. Leissa
Fort Collins, CO, USA

Honorary Chairman
E. Carrera
Torino, Italy

Local Arrangements Chairman
Y. Vetyukov
Vienna, Austria
J. Scheidl
Vienna, Austria

Publicity Chairman
S. Honda
Sapporo, Japan

Editorial Chairman
P. Cupial
Kraków, Poland

Advisory Committee:

M. Ewing
Lawrence, KS, USA

P. Hagedorn
Darmstadt, Germany

S. Ilanko
Waikato, New Zealand

D. Kennedy
Cardiff, Wales, UK

B. Mace
Auckland, New Zealand

A. Metrikine
Delft, Netherlands

Y. Narita
Sapporo, Japan

Format for Papers

Title of Presentation


This page shows the desired format of summaries of papers to appear in the proceedings of the International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems. Summaries should be at least two pages and no more than four pages. Use single-spaced typing, with a preferred font size of 12, but no smaller than 10.

Skip a line between paragraphs. After the second page do not repeat the title of the paper nor the author's name.

In addition to written material, one may use figures, tables, equations and references within the three-page maximum. All pages will be reproduced as received for the proceedings

The useable space on each page is 9 1/2 inches (24 cm) vertically and 6 3/4 inches (17 cm) horizontally. For North American letter size paper (8 1/2 x 11 inches), or (21.6 x 28.0 cm), this provides a 1 inch margin on the left hand side, and 3/4 inch margins on the top, right side, and bottom. If A4 size paper is used, the margins will be necessarily different.

Do not include page numbers, as these will be added when the proceedings are printed.

Submit your summary in Portable Document Format (pdf).

Summaries are due by 31st March 2025 and should be emailed to: francesco.pellicano(at)unimore.it

A publication decision is expected in few weeks.

The template is attached here ( Word, LaTeX ).

Web site created by:
late. J. R. Hutchinson

and succeeded by:
S. Honda
Last Revised:
4th July 2024