Past Symposia
The First International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems
The Stanley Hotel Estes Park, Colorado, USA
August 11-15, 1997

View of the Stanley Hotel
To download the proceedings Click Here
    Papers in alphabetical order of Author's last name:
    (Persons desiring information on a topic listed below are invited to contact
the author directly.)
- Effect of Layup on the Behavior of Composite Structures
Serge Abrate, Southern Illinois University, USA
- Pure Shear Modes of Free Vibration of Rectangular Parallelepipeds
Charles W. Bert, The University of Oklahoma, USA
- Vibration Behaviors of Defective Systems
Su Huan Chen, Jilin University of Technology, CHINA
- Free Vibrational Analysis using the Ritz Method with "Artificial" Springs
S. M. Dickinson, The University ofWestern Ontario, CANADA
- Dynamic Stiffness Vibration Analysis of Non-Uniform Members
Moshe Eisenberger, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
- Free Vibration of Flexible Members
Demeter G. Fertis, University of Akron, USA
- Free Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Plates with Arbitrarily Distributed Non-Uniform Classical Edge Supports
D.J. Gorman, University of Ottawa, CANADA
- Vibrating Beams Contacting Through a Visco-Elastic Layer: A Mechanical Model for Ultrasonic Motors
Peter Hagedorn, Darmstadt University of Technology, GERMANY
- In-Plane Vibrations of Arches With Varying Curvature and Cross-Section
C.S. Huang, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, TAIWAN
- Vibrations of Thick Free Circular Plates Revisited
James R. Hutchinson, University of California, Davis, USA
- On the Application of Rayleigh's Principle and the Ritz Method - Some Points to Ponder
S. Ilanko, University of Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND
- Free Vibration of Skew Laminated Plates
Rakesh Kapania, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
- Large Amplitude Free Vibration of Composite Laminated Shallow Shells
Yukinori Kobayashi, Hokkaido University, JAPAN
- Validity of the Multiple - Scale Solution for a Subharmonic Resonance Response of a Bar with a Nonlinear Boundary Condition
W.K. Lee, Yeungnam University, KOREA
- Some Misconceptions in Membrane, Plate and Shell Vibration Analysis
A. W. Leissa, Ohio State University, USA
- Vibration of Deep Cylindrical Shells: A Three-Dimensional Elasticity Approach
C. W. Lim, The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
- Axisymmetric Vibration of Circular Plates Axisymmetric Finite Element--A 3-D Approach
Chorng-Fuh Liu, National Sun Yat-Sen University, TAIWAN
- Modeling Unsteady Aeroelastic Behavior of Wings
D. T. Mook, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
- Experiments on Chaotic Vibration of a Shallow Cylindrical Shell-Panel with an In-Plane Elastic-Support at Boundary
Ken-ichi Nagai, Gunma University, JAPAN
- Analysis and Optimal Design of Column Using Earthquake Force for Controlling Vibrations
Kosuke Nagaya, Gunma University, JAPAN
- Analytical Solution to the Mode Shape Differential Equation of Some Non-Uniform Euler-Bernoulli Beams
S. Naguleswaran, University of Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND
- Vibration Analysis of Three Dimensional Composites in Cylindrical Coordinates Considering Arbitrary Boundary Conditions
Yoshihiro Narita, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- On the Discretization of Weakly Nonlinear Continuous Systems
Ali H. Nayfeh, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
- Damping Properties of Two-Layer Curved Structures with an Unconstrained Viscoelastic Layer
A. Okazaki, Chubu University, JAPAN
- Coherent Scattering Effects in Irregular Structures
Douglas Photiadis, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA
- Theory and Vibration of Laminated Barrel Shells
Mohamad S. Qatu, Lake Superior State University, USA
- Dynamic Behaviour of Pretwisted Composite Plates-A Finite Element Analysis
P.K Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, INDIA
- Inconsistencies Between the Vectorial and the Variational Formulation of Classical and Higher-Order Shell Theories
Kostas P. Soldatos, University of Nottingham, UK
- Exact Solutions for Vibrations of a Combined System Consisting of Multiple Curved and Straight Bars
K Suzuki, Yamagata University, JAPAN
- Nonlinear Normal Modes in Vibration Theory?
Alexander Vakakis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Spatially Modulated Vibration Modes in Rotationally Periodic Continuous Systems
J.A. Wickert, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Applications of an Efficient Free Vibration Root Counting Algorithm For Dynamic Stiffness Matrix Methods
F. W; Williams, University of Wales, UK
- Free Vibration of Spinning Angle-Ply Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shells
Gen Yamada, Hokkaido University, JAPAN
- Stability of Fluttered Beams Subjected to Circulatory Random Forces
T.H. Young, National Taiwan Institute of Technology, TAIWAN
- Transition Point Solutions for Thin Shell Vibration and a Homogenization Model of Beam Bundle in Fluid
R.J. Zhang, Tongji University, Shanghai, CHINA