Past Symposia
The Third International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems
Jackson Lake Lodge Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA
July 23-27, 2001

View of the Grand Tetons with Jackson Lake and the Lodge in the foreground
To download the proceedings Click Here
    Papers in alphabetical order of Author's last name:
    (Persons desiring information on a topic listed below are invited to contact
the author directly.)
- The Influence of Discretization on the Nonlinear Vibrations of Shallow
K. A. Alhazza and A. H. Nayfeh, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
- Axial Vibration of Compound Bars and Helical Springs
C. W. Bert, The University of Oklahoma, USA
- Non-Linear Dynamics of Aeroelastic Systems
E. H. Dowell, Duke University, USA
- Vibration Frequencies of Variable Thickness Rectangular Plates
M. Eisenberger, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
- A Nonlinear Analysis of A Nonideal Beam-Motor System
A. Fenili, Universidade de Campinas, BRAZIL, J. M. Balthazar, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, BRAZIL, and D. T. Mook, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
- Free Vibrations Analysis of Bridge Decks Resting on Combinations of
Elastic and Inelastic Supports
D. J. Gorman, University of Ottawa, CANADA
- A Mathematical Model for Vibrating Piezoelectric Shells
P. Hagedorn and M. Bergr, Darmstadt University of Technology, GERMANY
- Identification of Elastic Parameters for Laminated Circular Cylindrical
K. Hosokawa, Chubu University, JAPAN, and K. Matswnoto, Mie University, JAPAN
- Shear Coefficients for Thin-Walled Timoshenko Beams
J. R. Hutchinson, University of California, Davis USA
- Vibration Instability in Circular Saws
S. G. Hutton, University of British Columbia, CANADA
- The Rayleigh-Ritz Method without Admissibility Requirements
S. Ilanko, University of Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND
- Approximate Methods for the Vibration of Gyroscopic Continua
R. K. Jha and R. G. Parker, The Ohio State University, USA
- Equivalences between Transcendental and Linear Eigenvalue Problems of
Free Structural Vibration
D. Kennedy, Cardiff University, UK, F. W. Williams, City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, M. S. Djoudi, Cardiff University, UK, and S. Yuan, Tsinghua University, CHINA
- Reduced-Order Model for Nonlinear Vibration Analysis Using the Finite-
Element Method
Y. Kobayashi, G. Yamada, and A. Harada, Hokkaido University, JAPAN
- Responses of Nonlinear Asymmetric Forced Vibrations of Circular Plate
M. H. Yeo and W. K. Lee, Youngnam University, KOREA
- Exact Solutions for the Free Vibrations of Rectangular Plates with Linearly
Varying in-Plane Loading
A. W. Leissa, Ohio State University, USA
- Development of Fourier-p Shape Functions for Vibration of Plates
C. W. Lim and A. Y. T. Leung, City University Hong Kong, HONG KONG
- Chaotic Oscillations of a Cylindrical Shell-Panel with Concentrated Mass
under Gravity and Cyclic Load
K. Nagai and T. Yamaguchi, Gunma University, JAPAN, Takeshi Murata, Matsuhita Refrigeration Co., JAPAN
- Applicability of the Donnell-type Theory to Open Cylindrical Shells
Composed of Composite Materials
Y. Narita, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- Continuum Representations for the Vibration of Vehicle Tracks
N. C. Perkins and C. Scholar, University of Michigan, USA
- Vibrations of Ballooning Strings
C. D. Rahn, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Vibrations of a Flexible Rod Induced by Friction
Y. Sato, Saitama University, JAPAN
- Forced Linear and Non-Linear Vibration of a Piezoceramic Transformer
W. Seemann and R. Gausmann, University of Kaiserslautern, GERMANY
- Vibration Characteristics of Thin FGM Cylindrical Shells
C. B. Sharma and M. N. Naeem, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK
- Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Shells of Revolution
A. V. Singh, The University of Western Ontario, CANADA
- Vibration Studies of Composite Laminated Structural Components
K. P. Soldatos, University of Nottingham, UK, and A. Messina, Università di Lecce, ITALY
- Vibration Analysis of A rotating Vessel Composed of Circular plates and a
Circular Cylindrical Shell, 1st Stage: In-Plane Vibrations of a Rotating
Circular Plate
K. Suzuki, T. Hijiki, and K. Suzuki, Yamagata University, JAPAN
- Useful Analogies with Finding Natural Frequencies of Structures from
Dynamic Stiffness Matrix Formulations
F. W. Williams, City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, W. X. Zhong, Dalian University of Technology, CHINA, W. P. Howson, and A. Watson, Cardiff University, UK