Grundlsee, Salzkammergut, Austria
27th July to 2nd August 2025
General Chairman F. Pellicano
Modena, Italy
Founding Chairman A.W. Leissa
Fort Collins, CO, USA
Honorary Chairman E. Carrera
Torino, Italy
Local Arrangements Chairman Y. Vetyukov
Vienna, Austria J. Scheidl
Vienna, Austria
Publicity Chairman S. Honda
Sapporo, Japan
Editorial Chairman P. Cupial
Kraków, Poland
Advisory Committee:
M. Ewing
Lawrence, KS, USA
P. Hagedorn
Darmstadt, Germany
S. Ilanko
Waikato, New Zealand
D. Kennedy
Cardiff, Wales, UK
B. Mace
Auckland, New Zealand
A. Metrikine
Delft, Netherlands
Y. Narita
Sapporo, Japan
17 Jan. 2025
The information on registration and accommodation arrangements has been updated. Please refer to the bottom of this page and the "Information" page.
Introduction to the Symposium
The 14th ISVCS will take place on 27th July to 2nd August 2025 at Grundlsee, Salzkammergut, Austria.
Typical days at the Symposium will consist of morning technical presentations, afternoon hikes or excursions in the local area, and, in the evening, further technical discussions and social gatherings. The various outings and social gatherings provide important opportunities for relaxed and informal discussion of technical and not-so-technical topics surrounded by the natural beauty of Salzkammergut.
This web site describes the Symposium and the location in considerable detail. Note that attendance is limited to 50 attendees, with a maximum of 40 peer-reviewed presentations. The first 40 who register with the intent to make a presentation will be accepted, pending acceptance of the presentation summary. The remaining attendees will be admitted based on the date of registration. The summary deadline is 31st March 2025 , but earlier submission is highly recommended - as is payment of the registration fee and reservation of a hotel room.
Please note that unlike most conferences, attendees are expected to stay for the entire seven days of the symposium. To ensure this, although the presentations will be made in alphabetical order of the speakers' last names, the first speaker will be decided by a "lottery" drawing at the welcoming reception. As such, it will be impossible to know the date of any presentation until that time. The welcoming reception will be held at the conference venue, Mondi Resort am Grundlsee on the Sunday evening before the Symposium begins, 27th July.
The attendees should fill in the registration form and send along with the summary of the talk per e-mail until March, 31st. On the acceptance of the abstracts, the local organizers will book hotel rooms for the attendees according to the conditions stated in the registration form.
For more information about this Symposium or any of our past Symposia, click on any of the above links.
Except for those who already received the invitation to ISVCS 2025, individuals interested in taking part in this Symposium should write to:
Professor Francesco Pellicano
UniversÌtá di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dip. di Ingegneria Enzo Ferrari
Via Pietro Vivarelli, 10 int. 1 41125 Modena, Italy
Tel. +39 0592056154 Fax +39 0592056126
e-mail: francesco.pellicano(at)
If you are applying to ISVCS for the first time, please attach a one-page summary of your research accomplishments (including a list of published books, papers, reports, etc.) in the theme of this Symposium.
Source of photo: MONDI RESORT AM GRUNDLSEE website
Web site created by:
late. J. R. Hutchinson
and succeeded by:
S. Honda
Last Revised:
4th July 2024